StoreTender Online HQ Version 8  ©2015,  Aloha Data Systems, Inc.

Sale Pricing (Main Menu / Tasks / Pricing / Sale)





The Sale Pricing screen allows entering sale prices for one of more items in any date range. Items can be selected individually, filtered by department, vendor or family when using the Wizard or imported from a file or PDT device. Items with sale pricing are automatically flagged for label printing.




Wizard - Displays a dialog returning a list of items based on a set of filters (see Inventory Filters)


Edit - Allows editing items.


Apply - Applies the sale price prices for the date range entered.


Save - Saves the list of items but does not update sale prices. Click apply when ready to apply sale prices.


Close - Closes the Sale Pricing form.


Import - Imports inventory items for the sale from either a file or PDT device (see Import Options).


List - Displays and optionally prints the list of items with sale prices (see Report Viewer).


Help - Displays this help manual.


Tool Tips - Hover the mouse cursor over any field descriptor to display a brief description.


 Single Zone Icon - Displays the Find Dialog to select a unique price zone.


 Enterprise Icon - Sets the pricing mode to all zones. Changes will affect all price zones.



Start - Enter the first date and time of the sale


Finish - Enter the last date and time of the sale


Sale Days - Check the days of the week the sale applies


Club Card - Check whether or not the sale price requires a club card.


PLU Number - Enter the PLU number of the item to change prices or press the button to the right to perform a lookup.


... (Find) - Selects and adds an inventory item to be priced (see Find Dialog)


Description - Displays the product description. (read-only)


Reg Mp - Displays the regular price multiplier. (read-only)


          Reg Price - Displays the regular price. (read-only)


Sale Mp - Use to enter the sale price multiplier.



If the sale price each was $5.00 then the Mp would be 1 and the Price would be $5.00

If the sale price was 3 for $1.00 then the Mp would be 3 and the Price would be $1.00


Sale Price - Use to enter the sale price of the item.



If the sale price each was $5.00 then the Mp would be 1 and the Price would be $5.00

If the sale price was 3 for $1.00 then the Mp would be 3 and the Price would be $1.00


Limit - If there is a limit on the number of items being offered at the sale price enter the limit here.


Formula - Press the button to the right of this field to open the Find dialog to display a list of pricing formulas to choose from.