StoreTender Online HQ Version 8  ©2015,  Aloha Data Systems, Inc.

Customers (Main Menu / Data / Customers)





The customer table serves as a central repository for all of your company's customers.




Find - Selects and displays a customer (see Find Dialog)


New - Adds a new customer.


Edit - Edits the current customer.


Delete - Permanently deletes the current customer.


Save - Saves changes to the current customer.


Cancel - Cancels the current operation.


Close - Closes the Customers form.


Keys - Displays the on-screen keyboard (see On-Screen Keyboard).


History - Opens the Customer Purchase History dialog.


Import - Opens the Import Data Dialog (see Import Data)


Export - Opens the Export Data Dialog (see Export Data)


List - Displays and optionally prints a list of customers (see Customer List).


Help - Displays the help menu (see Help Menu).


Tool Tips - Hover the mouse cursor over any field descriptor to display a brief description.




Customer ID - Entries limited to 20 alphanumeric characters.and must be unique.





Name (First) - Entries limited to 40 alphanumeric characters.





Name (Last) - Entries limited to 40 alphanumeric characters.





Address - Entries limited to 40 alphanumeric characters.



1234 Main Street


City - Entries limited to 40 alphanumeric characters.





State - Entries limited to 3 alphanumeric characters.





Zip - Entries limited to 10 alphanumeric characters.





Tip: Enter a valid 5-digit USPS postal code by itself to automatically retrieve and display the corresponding city, state and zip code.



Enter 89128 and press Tab.

The system will fill in the city and state fields automatically.

City: Las Vegas

State: NV


Telephone - Entries limited to 10 alphanumeric characters. (Formatting is automatic.)



          Type 1234567890

          The entry will be automatically formatted as (123) 456-7890



Email - Entries limited to 60 alphanumeric characters.




Tip: Click the folder icon to the right to open your e-mail program populated with your customer's e-mail address.


Tax Exempt - When checked the customer will not be charged tax at the point of sale.


Tax Number - Entries limited to 40 alphanumeric characters (visible only when Tax Exempt is checked).





Receipt Output


·Receipt Printer - When checked a copy of the sales receipt will be sent to the receipt printer.


·System Printer - When checked a copy of the sales receipt will be sent to the system printer.


·Email - When checked a copy of the sales receipt will be emailed to the email address specified in the dialog that follows.


Loyalty Comp (Used at the point of sale in conjunction with the Comp Function)

Comps are freebies offered to a customer or an employee set up as a customer.


·Quantity - Used to limit the number of comps that can be redeemed in a day.


·PLU - Used to specify the PLU number used for this customer when redeeming a comp.



 Example 1: You want to provide your employee with two free meals per day.


·Create a new inventory item

·Set the description to "Free Meal"

·Place the item in an appropriate department

·Set the tax accordingly

·Leave the price at zero.

·Set the employee up as a customer

·Set the Loyalty Comp Qty equal to 2

·Set the PLU equal to the PLU created in the previous step

·At the Point of Sale...

·Enter the customer number and press the Customer Account Key

·Ring the items that make up the meal

·Press the Comp Key

·The Comp will be validated and the following will occur:

·The total of the items rung will be refunded under the item created

·The tax, if any can be forgiven subject to state law

·Subsequent items will be charged at their regular price


Example 2: You want to provide your employee with one $6.00 meal credit per day.


·Create a new inventory item

·Set the description to "Meal Credit"

·Place the item in an appropriate department

·Set the tax accordingly

·Set the price at $6.00.

·Set the employee up as a customer

·Set the Loyalty Comp Qty equal to 2

·Set the PLU equal to the PLU created in the previous step

·At the Point of Sale...

·Enter the customer number and press the Customer Account Key

·Ring the items that make up the meal

·Press the Comp Key

·The Comp will be validated and the following will occur:

·The total or $6.00 (whichever is less) will be refunded.

·The tax on the amount refunded, if any can be forgiven subject to state law

·Subsequent items will be charged at their regular price


Note: Only one comp can be applied per transaction.


Tax Exemption


·Tax 1 Exempt - When checked the customer will not be charged tax 1 at the point of sale.


·Tax 2 Exempt - When checked the customer will not be charged tax 2 at the point of sale.


·Tax 3 Exempt - When checked the customer will not be charged tax 3 at the point of sale.


Charge Account


·Allow Charges - When checked the customer will be allowed to charge purchases up to the amount of their available credit limit.


·Account Balance - The amount owed by this customer.. (visible only when Allow Charges is checked)

To edit the opening balance portion of this amount click the button to the right of the field.



·Credit Limit - The maximum the customer can charge at the point of sale. (visible only when Allow Charges is checked)


·Available Credit - The amount this customer can currently charge. (Credit Limit-Account Balance) (read-only) (visible only when Allow Charges is checked)


·Statement Code - An alpha numeric field used for reporting criteria when printing statements. (visible only when Allow Charges is checked)


·Print Balance - When checked the account balance will print on the customer receipt. (visible only when Allow Charges is checked)




·Standard - When checked the customer will be charged the normal retail price.


·Tiers 1-5 - When Tier 1-5 are checked the customer will receive the applicable department discounts defined under Tier Discounts (see Departments)


·Custom - When checked a specific discount can be assigned to a customer. This will apply to all departments allowing discounts.


Discount % - The discount percentage.

Example: 5% should be entered  as 5.          


Purchase History


Last Visit - The date of the last visit. Each purchase is considered a visit. (read-only)


Last Purchase - The amount of the last purchase. (read-only)


Total Visits - The total number of visits by this customer. (read-only)


Total Purchases - The total dollar amount purchased by this customer. (read-only)


Loyalty Program


·Point Balance - The customer loyalty point balance. (read-only).

This field is only visible when the Loyalty Points Formula is activated (see Loyalty).