StoreTender Online HQ Version 8 ©2015, Aloha Data Systems, Inc.
Departments (Main Menu / Data / Inventory / Departments)
Departments and subdepartments are logical divisions of your inventory. Grocery, Produce, Meat, Deli, Bakery, Frozen, Dairy, Tobacco, Alcohol, Soda, Snacks, HBA and Household are all examples of departments. Each department can have up to 99 subdepartments. The department table serves as a central repository for all of your inventory departments and subdepartments.
Find - Selects and displays a department (see Find Dialog)
New - Adds a new department.
Edit - Edits the current department.
Delete - Permanently deletes the current department.
Save - Saves changes to the current department.
Cancel - Cancels the current operation.
Close - Closes the Departments form.
Keys - Displays the on-screen keyboard (see On-Screen Keyboard).
List - Displays and optionally prints a list of departments (see Department List).
Help - Displays the help menu (see Help Menu).
Tool Tips - Hover the mouse cursor over any field descriptor to display a brief description.
Department Number - Entries limited to a number between 1 and 24.
Name - Entries limited to 16 alphanumeric characters.
Minimum Age - The minimum age (if any) required to purchase items from this department. When this field has a value the buyer's age will be verified at the point of sale before a purchase can be made.
If the department was Alcohol and you wanted the system to verify the buyer's age you would enter 21 in this field.
Hash - A hash or pass-through department is a department made up of items that should not count towards sales totals.
·Lottery Tickets
·Postage Stamps.
Discountable - The discountable check box will control whether or not discounts can be applied to this department at the point of sale.
Check this box if the department can be discounted.
Negative - The negative check box will control whether or not all rings to this department are negative. An example of a negative department might be one used to redeem winning lottery tickets.
Check this box if the department is negative.
Loyalty Points - The Loyalty Points check box will control whether or not points are awarded for purchases made in this department.
Check this box if the loyalty points are to be awarded.
Tier Discounts
Tiered discounts allow for special discounting by department for customers assigned to a particular tier. Five different tiers are supported.
Discount - The discount percent a customer assigned to this tier would receive off.
Subdepartments 1-99
Each department can have up to 99 subdepartments. Entries limited to 40 alphanumeric characters.
Example of a subdepartment in the Grocery Department :