StoreTender Online HQ Version 8  ©2015,  Aloha Data Systems, Inc.

Purchase Orders (Main Menu / Tasks / Ordering)





The Purchase order screen allows managing purchase orders. Orders can be generated manually or automatically, or can be imported from file or a device.




Find - Selects and displays an existing purchase order (see Find Dialog)


New - Creates a new purchase order.


Edit - Edits the current purchase order.


Delete - Permanently deletes the current purchase order.


Save - Saves changes to the current purchase order.


Cancel - Cancels the current operation.


Close - Closes the Families form.


Import - Imports inventory items to reorder from either a file or PDT device (see Import Options).


Print - Prints the current purchase order (see Report Viewer).


Help - Displays this help manual.


Yellow Folder - Displays the Find Dialog to select a Vendor.


Red X - Clears the Vendor entry.


Automatically Generate - Uses the current reorder settings in the product table to generate a reorder for the vendor listed.


Video - Displays a video on using this form (not available on all forms).


Tool Tips - Hover the mouse cursor over any field descriptor to display a brief description.


  Single Store Icon - Displays the Find Dialog to select a unique store.




PLU Number - Enter a valid PLU number to order or press the button to the right to display a Find Dialog.


... (Find) - Selects and adds an inventory item to be ordered (see Find Dialog)


Description - Displays the product description. (read-only)


Qty - Enter the case quantity to order in the unit of measure you purchase in.


Case Cost - Accept or edit the case cost.


Extended - The extended cost calculated as QTY * CASE COST (read-only)


Reorder Formula Selection Dialog



Calculating a reorder based on minimum and maximum stock values.




When On Hand / Pack Size < = Minimum Stock + On Order, Reorder = Maximum Stock - On Order - On Hand / Pack Size




Calculating a reorder based on projected needs.




Reorder = ((Sales / Weight / Days x (Days Open / 7) x (Lead Time + Days To Stock) - On Hand) / Pack Size) - On Order