StoreTender Online HQ Version 8.0 Copyright ©2014, Aloha Data Systems, Inc.
Taxes (Main Menu / Setup / Taxes)
Taxes vary based on the Item Tax Model in Effect.
Supported tax models include:
·Sales Tax (TAX)
·Goods and Services Tax (GST), Provincial Sales Tax (PST) and Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)
·Value Added Tax (VAT) or Impuesto al Valor Agregado (IVA)
·No Tax
Sales Tax Model
5% Sales Tax
Goods and Services Tax (GST) and Provincial Sales Tax (PST) Model
5% GST
8% PST
Goods and Services Tax (GST) and Provincial Sales Tax (PST) using Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) Model
5% GST
Value Added Tax (VAT) or Impuesto al Valor Agregado (IVA) Model
15% VAT
0% VAT
The tax dialog is where you define any applicable taxes and rates.
Important Note: Taxes are calculated and reflected on the sales receipt based on the item tax model in effect. (see Item Tax Model).
Find - Selects and displays a tax record (see Find Dialog)
New - Adds a new tax record.
Edit - Edits the current tax record.
Delete - Deletes the current tax record.
Save - Saves changes to the current tax record.
Cancel - Cancels the current operation.
Close - Closes the Taxes form.
Keys - Displays the on-screen keyboard (see On-Screen Keyboard).
Help - Displays the help menu (see Help Menu).
Tool Tips - Hover the mouse cursor over any field descriptor to display a brief description.
Tax Number - The Tax Number field is used to assign a unique tax number to each tax you are required to collect.
Tax 1: City Sales Tax Percent: 2.000
Tax 2: State Sales Tax Percent: 8.125
Tax Name - The Tax Name field is used to record the tax name or description.
Tax 1: City Sales Tax Percent: 2.000
Tax 2: State Sales Tax Percent: 8.125
Percentage - The Percentage field is used to specify the tax percentage used for retail customers.
For 2% enter 2
For 8.125% enter 8.125
Tax 1: City Sales Tax Percent: 2.000
Tax 2: State Sales Tax Percent: 8.125
Flat Amount (Sales Tax Model only) - The Flat Amount field is used to specify a flat tax to be collected.
This tax may be used in addition to a percentage when mandated.
For $5.00 enter 5
For $5.25 enter 5.25
Type of Tax (GST/PST/HST Model only) - The Type of Tax field is to differentiate between Goods and Services Tax (GST) and Provincial Sales Tax (PST).