StoreTender Online  Version 8.0  Copyright ©2014,  Aloha Data Systems, Inc.

Items (Main Menu / Data / Inventory / Other / Food Service / Items )






Food Service Items are items that require additional information before they can be sold. Additional information could consist of cooking instructions, toppings, choice of sides or simply a size.




Find - Selects and displays a pricing family (see Find Dialog)


New - Adds a new pricing family.


Edit - Edits the current pricing family.


Delete - Permanently deletes the current pricing family.


Save - Saves changes to the current pricing family.


Cancel - Cancels the current operation.


Close - Closes the Families form.


List - Displays and optionally prints a list of food service items (see Food Service Items List).


Help - Displays the help menu (see Help Menu).


Tool Tips - Hover the mouse cursor over any field descriptor to display a brief description.




          Item Number - The Item Number can contain letters and numbers and be up to 14 characters in length and must be

          unique from any other PLU numbers used by the system.


Description - The item description field is alphanumeric and can be up to 20 characters in length.





Department / Subdepartment - Select the yellow folder on the right to display a list of departments to choose from. (see Departments). Once a department is selected you will be presented with a list of subdepartments to choose from. (see Subdepartments). The use of subdepartments is optional.



Deli / Sandwiches


Food Stamps - The Food Stamp check box will control whether or not this item can be paid for by food stamps. When items are paid for by food stamps, any applicable sales tax is forgiven.



If Corn Flakes sell for $4.00 and carry a 5% tax then the total would be $4.20 if paid by cash, but only $4.00 if paid by food stamps. The term Food Stamps actually refers to a time when paper vouchers were issued to qualified participants of this program. Today, most states issue plastic cards called EBT cards. These cards work like debit cards and customers can present them at the time of purchase. These cards actually carry two balances; EBT Food and EBT Cash. Either balance can be used to pay for purchases but only EBT Food will forgive the tax.


Modifier Groups - Food service items can have up to 80 modifications made from up to four predefined modifier groups. Select all that apply by pressing the yellow folder icon. Press the red X to remove.


          Taxes - Taxes are tax zone specific.


Dine-In Tax, Carry-Out Tax, Drive-Thru Tax - Each item can have up to three different taxes assigned depending on the type of service and the tax requirements of your state.. Select the yellow folder on the right to display a list of taxes to choose from. (see Taxes)


Prices - Prices and sizes are price zone specific.


Size, Regular Price, Special Price and Cost - Each food service item can have up to four different sizes defined along with pricing and cost.


Stores - Device assignments and promotional pricing are store specific.


Prep Printer - Preparation instructions can be sent to any of four Prep Printers. Check all that apply.


KDS - Orders can be displayed to any of four Kitchen Display Printers Check all that apply.


Times and Days - Special Pricing can be assigned to any or all sizes to take place between certain times of the day and on certain days of the week. .