StoreTender Online HQ Version 8  ©2015,  Aloha Data Systems, Inc.

TPR (Temporary Price Reduction) Pricing (Main Menu / Tasks / Pricing / TPR)





The TPR (Temporary Price Reduction) Pricing screen allows entering TPR prices for one of more items in any date range. Items are selected individually. TPR pricing is store specific.




Edit - Allows editing items.


Apply - Applies the sale price prices for the date range entered.


Save - Saves the list of items but does not update TPR prices. Click apply when ready to apply TPR prices.


Close - Closes the TPR Pricing form.


List - Displays and optionally prints the list of items with TPR prices (see Report Viewer).


Help - Displays this help manual.


Tool Tips - Hover the mouse cursor over any field descriptor to display a brief description.


 Single Store Icon - Displays the Find Dialog to select a unique store.





PLU Number - Enter the PLU number of the item to change prices or press the button to the right to perform a lookup.


... (Find) - Selects and adds an inventory item to be priced (see Find Dialog)


Description - Displays the product description. (read-only)


Reg Mp - Displays the regular price multiplier. (read-only)


          Reg Price - Displays the regular price. (read-only)


TPR Mp - Use to enter the TPR price multiplier.



If the TPR price each was $5.00 then the Mp would be 1 and the Price would be $5.00

If the TPR price was 3 for $1.00 then the Mp would be 3 and the Price would be $1.00


TPR Price - Use to enter the TPR price of the item.



If the TPR price each was $5.00 then the Mp would be 1 and the Price would be $5.00

If the TPR price was 3 for $1.00 then the Mp would be 3 and the Price would be $1.00