StoreTender Online  Version 8.0  Copyright ©2014,  Aloha Data Systems, Inc.

Modifiers (Main Menu / Data / Inventory / Other / Food Service / Modifiers )






Food Service Modifiers allow grouping of item modifiers for use at the point of sale. Modifiers are used to customize an order for the customers




Find - Selects and displays a pricing family (see Find Dialog)


New - Adds a new pricing family.


Edit - Edits the current pricing family.


Delete - Permanently deletes the current pricing family.


Save - Saves changes to the current pricing family.


Cancel - Cancels the current operation.


Close - Closes the Families form.


Keys - Displays the on-screen keyboard (see On-Screen Keyboard).


List - Displays and optionally prints a list of families (see Modifier List).


Help - Displays the help menu (see Help Menu).


Tool Tips - Hover the mouse cursor over any field descriptor to display a brief description.




Group Number - A numeric entry between 1 and 99999999.





Heading - Entries limited to 40 alphanumeric characters.



Pizza Toppings


Description - The modifier description






Green Peppers


Black Olives


Price - The price of the modifier, if any.


Min - The minimum quantity of modifiers, if any.


Max - The maximum quantity of modifiers, if any.


Free - The number of free modifiers.


Screen Buttons - Modifier adjectives. Check all that you want to appear.


X - A price multiplier for when the Extra button is selected.



          Entering a 2 would cause the system to charge double (2x) for the selected modifier.