StoreTender Online HQ Version 8  ©2015,  Aloha Data Systems, Inc.

Import TPR Pricing





The Import dialog provides the ability to import data stored either in ASCII or CSV format.




Execute - Executes the current import.


This option is available once the definition section is completed and a data file is selected.


Close - Closes the Import dialog.


Help - Displays the help menu (see Help Menu).


Tool Tips - Hover the mouse cursor over any field descriptor to display a brief description.




File Type - ASCII or CSV (Comma Separated Values),


Definition - The layout definition to be used when transforming the data.


·For ASCII Files this includes a Start and Length Column for the data fields being imported.


Example of Data File:



051000000118  001.29

644209410002  001.49



Corresponding Definition:


Column Name       Start   Length

-----------       -----   ------

PLU Number            1       14 

Price                15        6



·For CSV Files the definition requires only an ordinal for the data to import.


Example of Data File:






Corresponding Definition:


Column Name        Ordinal

-----------        -------

PLU Number               1

Price                    2       



Data File - Selects the appropriate data file to import data from.


Preview - Allows previewing the imported data before committing to file. Click the button below Preview to view.