StoreTender Online HQ Version 8 ©2015, Aloha Data Systems, Inc.
Item Filters and Pricing Calculations
Use to obtain a filtered list of items and to select the method of pricing calculation to apply.
OK - Returns a list of items based on a set of filters and pricing calculations.
Cancel - Cancels the current operation and closes form.
Help - Displays this help manual.
Video - Displays a video on using this form (not available on all forms).
Tool Tips - Hover the mouse cursor over any field descriptor to display a brief description.
Items - Allows specifying a filter for any of the following:
Calculation - Allows specifying a calculation method from the following:
·Do not calculate price
·Set a price
·Set a percentage to markdown from retail by
·Set a fixed amount to markdown from retail by
·Set a percentage to markup from cost by
·Set a fixed amount to markup from cost by
·Set a profit margin
Price Mask - Choose whether or not to force the last digit to the number specified.
Quantity Limits - Set quantity limits if any for this item.
Pricing Formula - Press the button to the right of this field to open the Find Dialog to display a list of pricing formulas. (read-only)