StoreTender Online HQ Version 8  ©2015,  Aloha Data Systems, Inc.

Report Filters





Report filters offer an easy way to select a filtered set of data to report on. Each report has it's own unique set of report filters.


OK - Returns a list of items based on a set of filters and pricing calculations.


Cancel - Cancels the current operation and closes form.


Help - Displays this help manual.


Video - Displays a video on using this form (not available on all forms).


Tool Tips - Hover the mouse cursor over any field descriptor to display a brief description.


 Displays the Find Dialog to select a unique store.


 Selects all stores.


Displays the Find Dialog to select a unique price zone.


Sets the Pricing Mode to All Zones. Changes will affect all price zones.




OK - Produces the report based on the filters set.


Cancel - Cancels the current operation.


Help - Displays this help manual.


Video - Displays a video on using this form (not available on all forms).


Tool Tips - Hover the mouse cursor over any field descriptor to display a brief description.


Yellow Folder - Displays the Find Dialog for the corresponding filter.


Red X - Removes settings for the corresponding filter.




Dates - Select the appropriate date range.


Yellow Folder - Displays the Find Dialog for the corresponding filter.


Red X - Removes settings for the corresponding filter.