StoreTender Online  Version 8.0  ©2014,  Aloha Data Systems, Inc.

Kits (Main Menu / Data / Inventory / Other / Kits)





Kits allow for proper inventory tracking when the item sold is a combination of  two or more items. The kit item is not counted in inventory.


Easter Basket example:


·one basket filled with straw

·one package of jelly beans

·two chocolate eggs

·one chocolate bunny rabbit.




Sell two Easter Baskets

·Sales will reflect two Easter baskets sold.

·Basket with straw will be decremented by 2.

·Jelly beans will be decremented by 2.

·Chocolate eggs will be decremented by 4.

·Chocolate bunny rabbit will be decremented by 1.




Find - Selects and displays a kit (see Find Dialog)


New - Adds a new kit from an existing inventory item.


Edit - Edits the current kit.


Delete - Permanently deletes the current kit.


Save - Saves changes to the current kit.


Cancel - Cancels the current operation.


Close - Closes the Kits form.


Help - Displays the help menu (see Help Menu).


Tool Tips - Hover the mouse cursor over any field descriptor to display a brief description.




PLU / UPC Number - The read-only PLU Number of the Kit. Accessed by pressing the New button.





Full Description - The read-only description of the kit.



Easter Basket


Contains - The items contained in the kit.


PLU - The PLU Number of an item contained in the kit. Press the button to the right of the PLU column to select items.


Description - The description of an item in the kit. This is a read-only field.


Quantity - The quantity of an item contained in the kit. The default is one.