StoreTender Online HQ Version 8 ©2015, Aloha Data Systems, Inc.
Schedules (Main Menu / Data / Staff / Schedules)
The Schedule dialog allows for the preparation and printing of individual employee schedules.
Find - Selects and displays an employee schedule (see Find Dialog)
New - Adds a new employee schedule.
Edit - Edits the current employee schedule. Click on a day to display the Edit Dialog shown below.
Delete - Permanently deletes the current employee schedule.
Save - Saves changes to the current employee schedule.
Cancel - Cancels the current operation.
Close - Closes the Schedules form.
View - Displays a graphical representation of the work day as shown below.
Print - Prints the currently displayed schedule.
Help - Displays the help menu (see Help Menu)
Previous - Displays the previous month
Next - Displays the next month
Tool Tips - Hover the mouse cursor over any field descriptor to display a brief description.
(Edit Dialog)
Enter one or more times or click Personal, On Call, Vacation, Closed, Sick or Off button.
Times need to be entered using hh:mm tt format
Example: 11:38 AM
(Graphical representation of work day)
(Printed Schedule)